Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Hey guys,

You can be expecting a new video by this weekend sometime. I should be getting in my new video camera this week so hopefully you can see some better videos. Be ready to learn how to plant a new food plot and take back a weed infested food plot next week. Thanks for your support!


Friday, March 19, 2010

The Lowdown of the Huntin' Grounds

In this video I show you the basic layout of our property and explain why we have done it that way. Next week we get into food plot basics. Thanks for your support.

Click on the link to view the video:


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

No Title

Well today I shot the video for this week and it was the best so far. I am using a cheap video camera and I am trying to get a new one. After a few hours of shooting and editing I hit the button to make it a video and guess what ............ Everything is gone...... everything. Wow, I need a new camera. I'll start fresh again tomorrow and I'll have a video up by this weekend. Thanks for your support!!!!! --Steve

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Perscribed Burn

Check out my new video on how/why to do a prescribed burn. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Huntin' Grounds Introduction Video


Here is the first video link. I'll post the next video this weekend. It will be how to do a prescribed burn. Look for it soon!